Friday, August 29, 2008


Identity: The extent to which elements not of a work of art are excluded from being possible elements of an extension of the work of art. If the number of things that cannot be excluded in this manner are known, the art has perfect identity but is unfinished. If the number is zero, it has perfect identity (a classical sonata). If the number is unknown but the amount that is excluded is excluded in an unknown amount greater that what is not excluded, the art has imperfect identity. If the result of imperfect identity includes crafted elements, the art is imperfect but good (alto parts of chorales). If this included quality consists of uncrafted elements, the art is imperfect and bad (Autumn Rhythm). If the number is unknown and the above restrictions are not present, the art has no identity (The closest I have seen to this is “4:33” ).

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