Friday, February 27, 2009

Announcement Announcement exclamation mark

For my next composition assignment, I am going to set the 'Four and a Half Romantic Sonnets' (published earlier on this blog) to music. As far as I know, no composer has ever set their own poetry to music before.


MrsF3 said...

That's exciting.
Pretty sure it's been done before--didn't St. Thomas write music for the liturgy of Corpus Christi? I don't know that was the first thing that came to mind.

Old Fashioned Liberal said...

Aquinas did not set his own poetry to music. The chant versions of Pangue Lingua are traditional Gregorian and Mozarbic. The non-chant setting is newer than Thomas and was composed by somebody else.

Old Fashioned Liberal said...

Two people who might have done it are St. Ambrose and St. Charles Borromeo...oh, and St. Gregory the Great.